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CBD For Acne: Can CBD Really Help?

Whether you’re a child or an adult, acne is an annoying skin irritation that affects everyone at some point in their lives.

Many people have purchased various acne treatments for decades to keep their faces clear of zits and pimples.

However, thanks to CBD legalization in certain parts of the United States, consumers suffering from acne are beginning to view CBD oil as a possible alternative to treating acne.

But what exactly is CBD, and how can it be used to treat acne?

The Other Path will provide you with everything you need to know about the beneficial effects of CBD and how it can help prevent skin irritation.

How Does Acne Form?

Acne is a common skin condition that most human beings will experience at least once in their lives. Each pore in your skin has a sebaceous gland that releases sebum to keep your skin lubricated and soft.

When the pores become clogged from oil and dead skin cells, skin irritation develops and begins to form zits or pimples, thus acne.

But clogged pores aren’t the only cause of acne. When the sebaceous glands overproduce sebum, your skin can become too oily and cause acne to form.

Acne usually develops on the face, back, shoulders, and chest areas, but it can appear anywhere on the body where hair follicles grow.

For most people, acne commonly appears as blackheads or whiteheads that form either on the surface or underneath your skin.

However, other people with acne have also experienced a cluster of bumpy, rash-like irritation on the skin’s surface.

Several factors can play a role in increasing your risk for acne and trigger breakouts. They include:

  • Stress
  • Hormone fluctuations
  • Fatty foods
  • Friction from tight clothing

For most people, acne will disappear after adolescence, but for some, treating acne is a daily battle that continues well into adulthood.

Most people typically use products like Neutrogena to treat and prevent breakouts; however, many more are beginning to consider using CBD for acne.

What is CBD?

different cbd products in a pink background

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring compound extracted from the hemp plant known as Cannabis Sativa for medical or commercial reasons.

Though it is also well known for its relation to the psychoactive marijuana compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD doesn’t induce a state of euphoria.

Instead, the CBD compound acts as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat several medical conditions and improve overall health.

So far, CBD is known to help with:

As acne can lead to irritated skin, the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD can relieve inflammation and even possibly treat it.

Patients suffering from skin irritation can take CBD orally, but it’s best to use a topical solution if you plan to use CBD for acne.

How Does CBD Treat Acne?

According to a study published by the Journal of Clinical Investigation, CBD inhibits sebum production and prevents inflammation when acne breakouts occur.

The compound prevents sebocyte cells (responsible for creating sebum) from going into overproduction. At the same time, the CBD also prevents the cytokines (responsible for triggering acne) from activating.

With CBD as the active ingredient, patients can use CBD oils to treat acne and prevent future breakouts and scarring on the skin.

How to Use CBD for Acne

cbd cosmetic products for acne

If you plan to use CBD as a topical solution, there are two CBD oil options that you can find to manage your acne:

  • CBD Cream
  • CBD Oil

As pure CBD oil is too strong to use alone, CBD creams are usually combined with additional moisturizers or carrier oils like coconut oil and shea butter to help apply to the face.

If you decide to purchase CBD oil in its pure form, you will need to dilute it with a carrier oil like argan oil or hemp seed oil to apply it safely.

When you first begin using CBD oil, you should start with a small application to your skin and monitor its effects.

Then, with your fingertips or a cotton swab, you’ll gently massage a few drops of oil on your inflammatory areas (where the acne is at its worst) until the oil fully absorbs into your skin.

If it seems to work for you, then you can apply more. However, for the best results, you should apply CBD oil after cleaning and moisturizing your skin at night before bedtime.

To give the treatment proper time to work, you should try CBD oil with your nightly skin routine for at least a month to accurately determine its results.

Possible Side Effects of Using CBD For Acne

CBD can sometimes present with mild side effects, but you’re more likely to experience effects from the carrier ingredients if you make your own topical solution at home.

Mitigate possible side effects of these ingredients by sourcing health and beauty CBD products from a reputable seller.

The Other Path offers an assortment of products in rollers, lotions, creams, wraps, masks, and more.

Can CBD Treat All Kinds of Acne?

Any acne that forms on the body is similar to facial acne, so CBD oil will also help treat those non-facial areas.

In addition, using CBD oil on acne-related scars may also help improve their overall appearance.

What Are the Best CBD Oil Skin Products?

bottle of cbd oil with hemp seeds in a pink background

As CBD grows more famous for its medicinal uses, CBD oil and other CBD products have exploded on the market rapidly.

However, not every CBD oil is the same. There are three kinds of CBD oil skin products:

  • Full-spectrum
  • Broad-spectrum
  • CBD isolate

Full-spectrum CBD products contain all the cannabinoids, minerals, vitamins, and terpenes of the hemp plant to help the body fully absorb and use CBD more effectively.

However, by including all cannabinoids, full-spectrum CBD products may also contain the psychoactive THC compound.

Broad-spectrum CBD products also contain most cannabinoids and natural minerals found in the plant, except for THC.

These products have enough cannabinoids to help the CBD oil absorb into the skin even after the terpenes and vitamins are removed from the hemp plant.

Products made with CBD isolate usually have all other cannabinoids from the hemp plant removed, leaving only the CBD.

Unfortunately, as they are missing beneficial compounds like terpenes needed to absorb CBD more efficiently, their results differ from full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD products.

Choosing the right CBD oil skincare product will depend on your body and personal preference.

For example, if you’re worried about failing a drug test due to the use of CBD oil, then you may want to consider using broad-spectrum skincare products or CBD isolate.

On the other hand, you may consider purchasing full-spectrum CBD oil products if you want a CBD skincare product with all the added benefits of the cannabinoids, including THC.

Make sure you only purchase from manufacturers that produce high-quality CBD products and are transparent about their ingredients.

Read testimonials, reviews, and even lab results to make the most informed decision.

Can CBD Oil Treat Other Skin Conditions?

psoriasis on a kids arm

People can also use CBD oil as a treatment for inflammatory skin conditions such as:

  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Atopic dermatitis

With psoriasis, the cannabinoid receptors of CBD oil can help reduce the production of keratinocytes that cause the excess skin growth of the disease.

In addition, thanks to CBD’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, CBD oil can also help decrease the pain, itching, and inflammation of eczema and dermatitis.

As CBD has both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, using CBD oil can also help patients with sensitive skin by soothing and reducing the appearance of general irritation.

Is CBD Good for Other Physical Ailments?

As humans produce neurotransmitters called endocannabinoids, those receptors form together and create a system that regulates pain perception and inflammation.

If the endocannabinoid system is deficient, it can lead to chronic pain conditions, such as headaches, tooth pain, migraines, and more.

CBD improves chronic pain and can reduce reliance on opioid pain medicine by affecting endocannabinoid receptors in the brain, which control pain and inflammation throughout the rest of the body.

The CBD can help restore the tone of your body’s endocannabinoid system and help reduce the occurrence of inflammatory pain.

When used regularly, CBD oil can also provide the same effect. As with all CBD-based products, you should start with a low oil dose and increase your dosage slowly over time.

CBD is available in tinctures, capsules, gummies, and other forms to suit your needs for treating other aches and pains.

Just make sure to let your physician know that you plan to use CBD for pain, so they can accurately assess how your body may react to regular use.

Discover The Other Path

woman encouraging to come

The Other Path is a leading provider of CBD information and CBD products. If you’re suffering from acne and are thinking of trying CBD as an alternative treatment, our experts can help you with up-to-date tips and the latest CBD products.

Trust The Other Path to help you find the right products of CBD for acne treatment. Contact us online for more information on CBD or call today at 818-825-2739.

young woman with acne

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