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How Long is CBD Detectable in Urine?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is becoming popular as a dietary supplement and food product additive, but how long is CBD detectable in urine? For anyone exploring the use of CBD products, this might be a legitimate concern. People want to know whether taking it will inadvertently affect job prospects, infringe sporting rules, or land them in trouble with the authorities.

CBD does not have the psychedelic effects of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, the other primary active ingredient in cannabis. However, there are other considerations for people taking CBD for relief for various conditions, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Epilepsy
  • Pain
  • Insomnia
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder and more

Taking time to learn more about CBD is wise, especially to find out whether this treatment form is something that will be right for your condition or intended use. How does CBD affect the body and mind, and could it benefit mental and physical wellness long-term? The Other Path discusses some of the concerns around CBD use so that you can make an informed decision without worrying about CBD showing up on a drug test.

More about CBD

CBD is a naturally occurring solid chemical that closely resembles THC; both compounds come from cannabis or hemp plants. The legality of CBD as a food additive or dietary supplement is changing and complex, and a surprising number of people express concerns about drug test detection. Research supports the myriad benefits of CBD, so where do the concerns originate about urine tests and other legal applications?

In large part, it is cultural stereotypes that have stoked fears surrounding CBD use, but this perspective is evolving as education and research expand. As a case in point, since 2018, the United States federal government has not considered CBD that is derived from hemp to be a Schedule I controlled substance (unlike those derived from plants classified as marijuana). However, federal law and some state laws still place certain limits on the sale of CBD as a food product or supplement.

As a psychoactive compound, THC remains a controlled substance in the United States and many other countries. However, CBD does not have the same psychoactive properties as THC and cannot produce the high associated with marijuana. The caveat is that when manufacturers derive CBD from marijuana, it could contain traces of THC (the marijuana classification applies to cannabis plants with more than 0.3% THC in their composition, whereas a hemp plant has less than 0.3% THC).

How Does CBD Affect the Body?

woman holding a cbd oil and a hemp plant illustrating cbd consumption

Historically, CBD carries a complicated legal status, and it is challenging to research the health benefits, risks, and psychological effects of CBD or related products. The Food and Drug Administration only approves CBD for the treatment of epilepsy in the seizure medication called Epidiolex.

However, science is showing promising results in CBD’s interactions with the endocannabinoid system for:

  • reducing blood flow, which helps manage pain
  • restoring oxidative damage, like chronic inflammation
  • calming stress and anxiety

How Does CBD Affect the Mind?

CBD does not cause a high but research is ongoing, and many people attest to the benefits of CBD in reducing feelings of anxiety, depression, and negative emotions. Science attributes these beneficial effects to the binding of CBD to the brain’s cannabinoid receptors.

Research also indicates that CBD can also help the body produce more of these helpful cannabinoids. In contrast, THC binds directly to the body’s existing cannabinoid receptors and gives rise to psychedelic effects.

The Metabolism of CBD

The liver metabolizes CBD into related compounds, which can exit the body through urine. But, how long is CBD detectable in urine after this metabolization? The answer will depend on the ingestion method, as the liver only metabolizes CBD once it enters the bloodstream.

The ingestion method affects how quickly the CBD can leave the body and when it will appear in the urine. When ingesting CBD through food products or supplements, it only enters the bloodstream after digestion takes place. In this case, CBD metabolites might not appear in urine until a few hours later.

Smoking or sublingual administration (placing CBD under the tongue) will mean it enters the bloodstream quickly and shows up sooner.

How Do People Test for CBD?

Traces of CBD remain in the body, not only in the urine. How long might CBD show up in other tests, and does the testing method make a difference?


Hair growth shows ingested chemicals well as these compounds find their way into the hair follicles. Hair could potentially contain traces of chemicals like CBD and THC for months or years after taking them, even though hair grows at different rates based on health, age, and other factors.

Hair tests are not as accurate in determining the timing or duration of a person’s exposure to drugs and are not immune to the environmental exposure argument. For example, chemicals could cause detectable chemical traces in the hair even if a person never “used” it in the typical sense; the false-positive rate is high.


CBD and THC remain in the bloodstream for several days, but blood is not part of routine drug testing. Typical blood tests for an annual physical or similar check are unlikely to test for CBD.


A technician collects saliva using a cotton swab or gauze pad, but THC and CBD do not linger in saliva. It is unusual to see a positive result for more than three days after the last CBD use or ingestion.


How long is CBD detectable in urine through these types of tests? It can show up a couple of weeks after you last took them. A urine test might check for CBD metabolites (or THC metabolites if it targets cannabis users). It also requires careful administration to avoid contamination.

The test is not foolproof against false positives. For example, hydration dilutes urine faster, and as mentioned, the ingestion method affects the rate of metabolization. It could show up from a few hours later to a few days, depending on many factors (in some situations, it could be a few weeks).

Factors that Affect Detectability

a clock with a hemp as its hand

Determining whether CBD is detectable in the urine relies on knowing the whole story. The time that a drug stays in your system considers several factors, including:

  • when you last took CBD
  • how much CBD you took
  • whether you frequently take CBD

How Much CBD Did the Person Take?

The more CBD a person takes, the longer it could remain detectable in a urine drug test. The presence of CBD in the body declines gradually after ingestion or consumption, typically measured using a half-life method.

For example, if a product has a half-life of one day, there will only be half of that amount left in the body one day after taking it. After two days, there will be half of that (one quarter), and after three days, half of that (one eighth), and so on.

Whether the Person Takes CBD Frequently

The body will not metabolize CBD as quickly with frequent use. It will remain in the system for a much longer time. Anyone worrying about false-positive tests at work or other locations might be better off using CBD in moderation (or not at all) until the test.

Will CBD Show a Positive Result on a Test for THC or Marijuana?

How long is CBD detectable in urine, and will this show up on a test for THC? Could the CBD cause a false-positive in a test for the psychoactive compound? This is unlikely if the CBD derives from hemp (that contains only minimal traces of THC).

If it is a legal and trustworthy seller like The Other Path, these complications are rare. However, if the products come from a factory that also makes cannabis products or stores hemp-derived CBD with more potent cannabis products, a test result might show trace amounts of THC when the customer thought they were buying pure CBD. A sloppy lab technician could also cross-contaminate a test of a person’s blood, hair, urine, or saliva.

The lesson is to always use a reputable seller and to look at the detailed composition of the CBD before purchasing it.

How Long is CBD Detectable in Urine on Average?

The answer depends entirely on a person’s history with CBD and does not always hold for other tests. A better question might be how to reduce the risk of false positives when a person cannot control the lab process or timing of drug tests. The best strategy is to eliminate the possibility of exposure to THC by using high-quality CBD and doing so in moderation.

Check the ingredients and claims of purity before settling on a brand or site. High-purity CBD products are less likely to trigger false positives, so buy hemp-based CBD from a reputable manufacturer like The Other Path.

Healing and CBD on The Other Path

other path logo with a cbd oil beside of it

The Other Path sells legal CBD products, including CBD-infused food products, bath products, and beauty products. Why let fear of a drug test become a source of stress when CBD has so many benefits? Our range hails from trusted suppliers, and we offer transparency about the ingredients and quality of our products.

Contact The Other Path at 818-825-2739 or visit 14084 Ventura Blvd Sherman Oaks, CA 91423. Take the right path and let us answer all your burning questions, like “How long is CBD detectable in urine?” and “What is the difference between full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD?”

doctor checking urine

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