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Can You Overdose on CBD? How Much Is Too Much?

Cannabidiol or CBD has become increasingly popular in the health and wellness space. It is only natural for people to wonder what would happen if you took too much of it, especially with the stigma around its brother compound, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). However, CBD is extremely safe, and there have been no records of dangerous overdoses as yet.

Can you overdose on CBD? The Other Path delves into more about what CBD is and how it affects the body.

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a component of cannabis sativa and has remarkable therapeutic properties. There is a high likelihood that you’ve come across CBD products of various types ranging from cookies to lattes. The CBD health craze is in its infancy, and the United States already a $1 billion industry for CBD-related products that is growing every year.

One aspect that’s important to note is that CBD doesn’t get you high. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the cause of that intoxication, as a psychoactive compound also found in cannabis alongside CBD. However, CBD products typically contain little to no THC (less than 0.3%) and won’t result in psychedelic effects.

How Is CBD Made?

woman holding a hemp plant in her palms

The lack of side effects makes CBD products favorable among those who want to reap the benefits of cannabis without intoxication. Countless companies now extract and produce CBD oil in the United States and internationally. The entire process begins with sourcing hemp, the agricultural crop from which the market derives most of its CBD oil.

  • First, the CBD oil manufacturers purchase an immense amount of industrial hemp (also known as biomass) from farmers throughout the country. Their growing partners grind the plants before sending the material off for extraction.
  • Depending on the product, manufacturers will use either alcohol or CO2 to extract the hemp compounds.
  • Then, the brands usually use a third-party lab testing company to check the extract for quality and consistency. Reliable test results are vital throughout the CBD oil industry as it is the only way to verify the true quality and potency of hemp-derived products.

The final step is for the CBD oil manufacturer to create oil and other products using hemp extract and a carrier oil (usually from coconuts or olives).

How Does CBD Affect the Body?

The human body includes an endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is how CBD and other cannabinoids derive an effect. The ECS is responsible for regulating functions like mood, pain, and appetite. When you consume CBD, it influences your brain’s activity by activating brain cells (neurons) and different receptors to produce serotonin and dopamine.

Once CBD binds to one of these receptors, it may:

  • Reduce blood flow
  • Manage pain
  • Decrease oxidative damage
  • Reduce stress and anxiety

It’s easy to understand why it has become such a popular form of treatment for a wide range of conditions when you see how CBD affects the body. Sufferers of arthritis and other conditions can benefit significantly from CBD due to its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to alleviate pain. CBD oil also creates a calming effect, making it an excellent supplement against stress and anxiety.

Dosage recommendations for CBD products are important, though. Most reputable brands have specific doses on their product labels, but the effects of CBD vary greatly between people (and pets). Start small, and increase the dosage gradually to ensure the best results.

Does CBD Have Side Effects?

woman feeling nauseous

While CBD is extremely safe, negative side effects do occur in rare cases. The effects of CBD vary significantly between people and pets, as well. Some consumers feel great after consuming a large amount of CBD oil, where others are sensitive to a tiny dose.

Reported adverse side effects of CBD oil include:

  • Upset stomach
  • Vomiting
  • Drowsiness
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of energy
  • Decreased appetite
  • Insomnia

However, most people only experience adverse effects if they consume too much CBD oil. Reputable brands are incredibly specific about their recommended doses. If it’s your first CBD treatment, start with the smallest recommended dose and see how it goes.

Does CBD Interact With Other Medication?

Most medications break down through the liver, so CBD could potentially interfere with these effects. Taking CBD oil alongside prescription drugs might create what’s known as “altered concentration,” where the body processes either too much or too little. You might experience this interaction as increased side effects from the prescriptive medication or wondering whether you’ve taken a defective medication.

Research shows that CBD oil potentially interferes with the following types of chronic medication:

  • Blood thinners
  • Thyroid medication
  • Heart-rhythm medication
  • Numerous epilepsy-management drugs

If you’re taking medication, it’s wise to consult your medical professional about the effects and dosage before consuming CBD products.

What Are the Regulations Around CBD Products?

Marijuana isn’t legal everywhere in the United States, so the FDA hasn’t officially approved CBD (even in its purest form as an isolate). Finding the proper dosage relies on the manufacturer’s recommendations and experimentation. However, the effects of CBD products like oils, topicals, and edibles are becoming quite well documented.

Be vigilant about the company from whom you purchase any CBD product. While there are numerous trustworthy brands on the market, under-regulation ensures there are risks to using obscure products. Badly labeled oils or low-quality ingredients will decrease the benefits you derive from the CBD, so it is always better to stick with reputable brands like the ones recommended by The Other Path.

How Do You Know If It’s High-Quality CBD Oil?

researcher checking the quality of cbd

You should only consume high-quality CBD for the reasons mentioned, but how do you know? Here are a few tips for purchasing great CBD products:

Natural Hemp

Hemp is the starting point of the CBD production process, and these plants absorb the compounds in the soil. While this can be beneficial for absorbing minerals and vitamins, that also means hemp plants draw in toxic materials and chemicals. It’s always better to go with CBD that comes from naturally grown hemp.

Most of the top CBD brands on The Other Path are transparent about their hemp source. Ensure you’re getting healthy and high-quality goods by researching details about the farm. Look at how long the hemp growers have been in business and how the company operates from agriculture to oil extraction processes.

Realistic Prices

While it may be tempting to select a company with cheap CBD products, it’s probably better to look elsewhere. Good quality CBD is still affordable, but you will happily pay more for high-quality products when you understand the benefits. Avoid prices that seem too good to be true—these are typically signs of low-quality processes or raw materials, and negative side effects will be imminent.

Positive Reviews

The CBD industry might not be heavily regulated, but the community is growing. People who consume CBD oil regularly will tell you whether a product is reliable or of poor quality.

Whether you’re buying CBD oil online or in a store, a quick search should reveal online reviews from real customers to verify the company’s offering. Most customers share their experiences with the product willingly, openly talking about any side effects or benefits they’re experiencing. The more positive reviews there are, the more consistent the product.

Clear Labels

A lot of companies don’t label their CBD products correctly since the industry is largely unregulated. Claims for a certain amount of CBD or purity level could be inaccurate, and it is wise to check the details closely, verified by lab testing and customer reviews.

Always check closely to see how much CBD there is per serving to know if the product is right for you.

Customer Service

a customer service of a cbd store talking to customers

Excellent customer service is a by-product of a trustworthy business. Any company that puts in the effort to have a winning customer service team tends to produce high-quality goods. Whenever you’re buying CBD, especially online, you should be able to reach out to one of their team members to ask questions about their products or brands.

Test Results

Lab testing is the only way to verify a product’s CBD content and quality. Any reputable company will display transparent lab results on their website or even on the packaging. Feel free to reach out to the lab directly to verify whether the company has represented the test results accurately on their products.

Is CBD Safe? Explore The Other Path

CBD is known to be quite safe, and there’s very little chance you could overdose if you follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. You should still be cautious when consuming it for the first time, starting with a minimal dose to test the effects on your system. Once you feel comfortable with how it’s progressing, increase the dosage until you reach the desired effects overall.

If you’re buying CBD online, check customer reviews, lab tests, and product information from your chosen brand. The Other Path is a leading provider of CBD products and education with a full team of experts that understands the inner workings of cannabis and how to use its compounds to improve health and wellness.

Learn more about CBD oil or other high-quality products on The Other Path’s website. Alternatively, reach out to our knowledgeable team today for advice and information about using CBD safely for myriad benefits.


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